
How To Play Mercy Overwatch

Hey there Mercy players! I'thou Blink and in the side by side 5-ten minutes I'll teach you how to play Mercy amend, ane day hopefully like I and the rest of the Overwatch boosting team.

Nosotros're all professional Overwatch players that play Overwatch as a existent job, we oftentimes give out free guides like this one for y'all to larn our playstyles as well!

Let'due south starting time the Mercy guide already, shall we?

A picayune about Mercy

Angela Ziegler by her real name, or her Overwatch proper noun Mercy, is a support hero. Duh!

She's been through a lot of reworking, for case, back in the day her ultimate could resurrect the whole team, at present she resurrects only i ally.

She isn't that hard to play, that'southward why we suggest her in our Top ten Heroes To Carry In All Ranks post. However, in order to become a Top 500 Mercy like I am, yous need to learn how to position properly and make good choices when there'due south a situation that needs a solution.

Let'southward proceed with the 10 tips.

Overwatch Mercy Tips

1. Ressurecting

The crucial matter here is you lot demand to know when and where to resurrect. The full general advice is to practise it behind the walls or covered by a shield. Or when casting the resurrect to move your mouse rapidly effectually in guild to try and avoid any incoming damage.

A more than advanced tip is to use resurrect while falling, substantially, y'all start casting a resurrect before you beginning falling off a roof/cliff/whatsoever, the cast volition still channel and you volition NOT exist a static and easy target for opponents to pick y'all off.

However, in the end, your game sense will exist crucial for mastering resurrecting, you demand to practise alone or with one of our Overwatch coaches that can assistance yous chief it.

ii. Don't ignore your grounded allies when playing with Pharah

You've probably heard of the famous Pharmercy duo. In instance you oasis't heard nearly it, read the mail I only linked.

However, a mutual fault that many Mercy players do is that they but focus on playing with Pharah and commencement ignoring the allies on the ground. Which is obviously, a recipe for a disaster. Y'all will truly focus on playing with Pharah a lot and traveling with her in the air, but you cannot ignore the allies on the ground.

3. Learn how to super bound and bunny hop

Bunny hopping is a technique where when you fly to your teammate, instead of stopping there, you lot continue flight farther. This is super useful when y'all need to reach a farther destination in social club to escape someone chasing yous, or simply heal someone that's farther abroad.

You can exercise it past pressing the space bar right before yous reach the desired target. You will need to practice it so I propose you practice it with the bots before you start utilizing it in existent matches.

Super leap is a technique where you actually jump high in the air earlier reaching the target y'all're flying to. In order to do it, press CTRL and SHIFT together, then fly to the target and right earlier you lot accomplish the target press the space bar. Similar to bunny hop, nonetheless, this one propels you in the air instead of farther on your flying path. Endeavor it out with the bots showtime.

iv. Track your teammates

Just like whatsoever other hero, yous need to be aware of your surroundings, knowing where your allies and enemies are. Withal, this is even more important with Mercy. Y'all need to have the next target in mind when using Guardian Angel. Therefore, before you even reach your electric current target, you demand to know who exercise you wing to next.

A 2d thing regarding tracking is, you demand to peel for your secondary healer if your squad has one. Support heroes are one of the about oftentimes targets for flankers like Tracer and you will need to rail your 2nd healer at all times and help him if needed.

5. Know your strengths and weaknesses

Mercy'due south Weaknesses

Mercy is weak against McCree, Winston, Sombra, Soldier:76, Genji, and Tracer. Regarding McCree it'south pretty obvious, his ult gets you when you're in the air, and his flashbang means instant death for you lot.

Winston sitting on your ass nonstop, Sombra's hack and burst are deadly. Widow'due south volition most ofttimes target y'all then make sure you are moving all the time. The soldier can deal damage from range and his ult means death if you're in the line of sight. If Tracer ults you, don't panic and wing to some other ally. Genji'due south mobility and burst are insane, allurement out his dash and guardian affections to somewhere, rinse and repeat until he's done.

Mercy's Strengths

Mercy is good against Symmetra, Mei and Lucio. Against Symmetra, tell your tank to go through the choke points filled with turrets while healing them until they clear out the turrets.

Mei is strong vs heroes in close range, you accept a lot of mobility so just don't stick close to her while healing targets that she tries to freeze and burst, if she ults, discover an ally that's outside and immediately wing to him.

Lucio sitting on your donkey shouldn't be a trouble, fly to a target that will kill him if he keeps chasing. Not to mention you are good confronting his boops since you tin e'er fly up when he boops you lot off the map.

six. Don't forget your pistol

You lot won't use the pistol much almost of the time, just there are a time and place for everything, including the equalizer. For case, an enemy Widow out of place can exist a skillful target to solo kill if you lot tin approach her.

Some other adept target is Pharah during her ultimate bandage, she's essentially a free impale.

7. Proper positioning

Positioning is a skill every Overwatch player needs to learn. Every bit Mercy, you never want to be in one spot for as well long because you're an piece of cake target. Hop around the identify and don't exist static.

Apply the fact that you can heal someone backside the wall for a few seconds, meaning, yous can channel your heal on someone, hop behind the wall, hop out and repeat. While using your ult Valkyrie, proceed switching between heroes so you tin never exist an piece of cake target.

8. Know who and when to power boost

Power boosting an ally doesn't just requite them more than damage, information technology also indirectly helps them build up their ultimate. The best targets to power heave are your second healer, Zarya or baby D.Va.

If your team is all healed up, make sure to power boost someone, yous need max uptime on both healing and ability boosting. It'southward of import to know you can't boost Junkrat's ultimate, Hanzo'due south ultimate, D.Va'due south mech bomb, Torb's Molten Core and Wrecking Brawl's minefield, and a couple of other ones.

9. Notice your ideal settings

To access settings, printing Options, and then Controls. At that place's a dropdown menu where you select Mercy. The first setting is Toggle Beam Connection, when you lot set up information technology to ON, you don't accept to hold your mouse button non stop to heal.

The 2d setting is Guardian Angel Prefers Beam Target, I prefer it OFF, when it's ON, you will fly to the target that has your beam attached, for instance, if the target is behind you and you use guardian angel, you will go in contrary which would be inefficient. This is a personal preference.

The third one is Toggle Guardian Angel, yous need to plough information technology off because this means considering if you hold shift just your line of sight is blocked, you will wing as soon equally it's in line of sight. If it were ON, you'd have to press it only when it comes into the line of sight, non earlier.

10. Learn from watching other players

Watch pop streamers and YouTube videos. Apart from that, I propose purchasing Overwatch coaching lessons from our pro players because they are legitimately one of the best players in the world that tin teach you a lot.

In instance you just want to become your Skill Rating upwardly, OW Skill Rating boosting service is a swell choice, especially if y'all buy it in duo-style where you could play Mercy and get tips from our players while increasing your skill rating.

That'due south all from me today, I really hope you learned a lot and encounter you next time!


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